Keep Your Patients In The Loop With Regular Newsletter Updates

Email newsletters are a very powerful method to keep your existing patients and leads informed about your services, new processes, success stories, and so on. The goal is to inform and bind patients through practical, regular, short and informative newsletters sent via e-mail. A properly implemented newsletter campaign can sometimes be the difference between an excited and buzzing patient lounge, and an empty one.


Patients, as well as those interested in signing up for the newsletter in practice or via your homepage, will receive regular e-mail messages on current topics from your specialized field and the services offered in your clinic.

The Process

We design and implement for you:

  • A well-designed email campaign with an autoresponder for replies
  • On request, the email content and newsletter wording
  • Email designed to fully comply with CAN-SPAM laws (Attention: not paying attention to these rules can result in a permanent and irrevocable classification as spam)
  • On request, email reception, open-rate and clickthrough statistics


The price for the Healthcare practice newsletter campaign depends on the design effort and the number of email recipients.

Our specialized team is just a click away from you. Make an appointment for a free initial consultation.

Let's Talk

Your Wait Is Costing Your Business. Healthcare Industry is changing rapidly and a strong digital presence is now essential for professionals. Not marketing to save money is like stopping a clock to save time. Doesn’t work!

Request A Proposal