Target Patients When They Are Looking For Your Services - with Google Ads

Search engines such as Google have now developed extremely precise location-determination methods and more accurate personality profiles of the searchers. You can get highly localized search results and personalize your marketing message according to your patients’ persona.

Therefore, it is useful for specialized clinics and healthcare centers that are dependent on regional patient inflows, to present themselves to the patients via targeted advertisements related to the specializations of your practice on search engines like Google. Setting up highly customized Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) and serving them for relevant search terms ensures that your desired patient clientele finds the homepage of your healthcare practice/clinic.



  • Analysis of the present competition (relevant keywords, potential keywords, budget distribution, competition analysis)
  • Development of an individual strategy and budget planning
  • Initial setup of the project including ad design, thematic work-up
  • Permanent optimization for advertising success as well as adaptation for any competitive situations
  • Optimization of the campaign
  • The importance weighting for individual keywords or services


The result is exactly as desired – you get a highly targeted patient clientele interested in treatment from your healthcare practice/clinic.


The price for the targeted advertising is $200 plus taxes.

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Your Wait Is Costing Your Business. Healthcare Industry is changing rapidly and a strong digital presence is now essential for professionals. Not marketing to save money is like stopping a clock to save time. Doesn’t work!

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